ARATÓ, Márk Dr.

DABASI, Zsófia Dr.

PÁRKAI, Dániel Dr.

GORTVA, Karina Dr.

JUHÁSZ, Beáta Dr.

SAJÓSI, Márton Dr



Gábor Havas-Sághy Dr., registered attorney-at-law by the Budapest Bar Association, IT-communication law specialist and partner of the Law Office

As the youngest spawn of a family with multi-generation of lawyers, he had shown interest towards economics and politics early in his age.

Gained his degree in law and political science with grade ’cum laude’ at the Hungarian PPKE-JÁK, however during the years of studying at the university, he has participated at the summer school of the law faculty of San Francisco University, and spent one year on scholarship program at the law faculty of Radboud Universitat in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Accomplished his traineeship at the Freshfields Bruckhaus & Deringer Oppenheim and Partners Law Office, acquiring valuable experience on the field of international law and handling international clientele. Materials of his Thesis work (subject of which was the Contractual relationship between the European Union and the Andean Community) have researched in the Netherlands and Columbia, and have investigated and studied at the universities of Los Andes and the Nacional de Colombia. In the last year of university, he initiated to work for the Reiniger Law Office, as legal assistant.

Upon graduating with law degree, putting into further practice and multiplying the above experiences he has worked at the Reiniger Law Office, and then at the Gayer and Partners Law Office, where he was fortunate to work together with the prestigious and internationally proclaimed attorney, Gyula Gayer Dr. In the meantime, he has obtained a particular degree on European Business Law LLB with Honours at the University of Abertay Dundee, and accomplished the entrepreneurship development program of Enterprise Gym, part of Business School of the Dundee University.

In November 2010 he has decided to establish his own law office, entrusting, that providing services in the framework of the most important values recognized during his years of experience, i.e. reliability and swiftness, precision and client-friendly atmosphere, further complying with the expectation of modern technology and those inevitable for classical attorney-practice, is the adequate form of this profession.

In the frame of a 2 years old program, have acquired to be a qualified specialist in IT-communication law (LLM) at the University of Pécs, Hungary.


Language skills:

  • Speaks fluent professional English,
  • bears fluency in Spanish,
  • understands and reads German

Araró, Márk Dr.

ARATÓ, Márk Dr.

Graduated in 2018 at Eötvös Loránd University – Faculty of Law. Before starting to study law, he took a degree in International Relations at Eötvös Loránd University – Faculty of Social Sciences in 2012. During his legal studies, he became particularly interested in civil- and financial law, and intellectual property law.

He accomplished his traineeship at Burai-Kovács, Perlaki, Stanka, Szikla and Partners Law Office, where he worked on cases regarding financial law and foreign exchange transactions.

He wrote his legal thesis in 2018. with the title „Questions and regulations regarding software and intellectual property”, in which he researched the connection between the special digital properties of softwares and intellectual property law.

After his graduation, he is working at Havas-Sághy and Partners Law Office since July 2018 as a trainee lawyer.


Language skills:

  • Speaks fluent english, has an accredited advanced type „C” language exam
  • Speaks and understands spanish, has an accredited type „C” language exam

DABASI, Zsófia Dr.

DABASI, Zsófia Dr.

Zsofia Dabasi completed her degree in Law at the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in 2014.  Along with that she was awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences in 2013.

As a trainee lawyer she gained experience at the Office of the Prosecutor General of Budapest and working at the Hungarian city hall. After her studies she started working for a law firm at Budapest, as a trainee lawyer. She gained significant experience in legal representation of litigious and non-litigious proceedings both on the field of civil law – mainly economic law, labour law, real estate law, trade law, execution processes, family law – and inheritance cases – and criminal law as well.

She bears actual professional experience on the fields of intellectual property law (copyright and trademark) and data protection practice.

She is a lawyer in cooperation with Havas-Sághy and Partners Law Office since 2019.

In 2018 she finished her postgraduate studies at Eötvös Loránd University and gained a degree of specialization on family law (LLM).



  • English B2 level
  • German B2 level

PÁRKAI, Dániel Dr.

PÁRKAI, Dániel Dr.

Currently candidate of attorney-at-law; finished the Faculty of Law at the Hungarian Pázmány Péter Catholic University in the year 2014.

During his university years he worked for a period of almost a year as a trainee at a small law firm in Budapest, where he gained useful experiences on the field of real estate law, corporate law, and other typical civil areas of law. He has started to acquire the experience required for independent work, and carried out his tasks in English as well.

During his work as a candidate attorney-at-law – in accordance with the Law Office’s profile – he has gained significant experience on the fields of information technology, intellectual property law and economic law. In addition his daily tasks include the management of insolvency proceedings and real estate cases.

He joined Havas-Sághy and Partners Law Office in December 2014 and practicing as a lawyer in cooperation with Havas-Sághy and Partners Law Office since 2019.

Gained degree of IT communication specialisation (LLM) in 2020. 


Language skills:

  • speaks fluent English, has an accredited advanced „C” language exam

GORTVA, Karina Dr.

GROTVA, Karina Dr.

In 2022, she graduated with honours from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

In the autumn of 2019, she spent a semester on scholarship in France at the Lyon Catholic University. She spent her traineeship at the Budapest V. and XIII. District Prosecutor's Office and from June 2021, in addition to her university studies, she worked as an intern at Havas-Sághy & Partners Law Office, where she gained extensive experience in classical civil law. During her university studies, she became particularly interested in civil law, public and private international law and European law.

She wrote her legal thesis on "Cross-border insolvency proceedings", in which she examined the attempt to harmonise insolvency law for companies with international connections, particularly in the European Union legal system.

She joined Havas-Sághy & Partners in October 2022 as a trainee lawyer, where she is particularly interested in cases concerning company law, employment law, real estate law and family law.

Language skills

  • English C1 level
  • Speaks and understands French



She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Pázmány Péter Catholic University in 2022.

In addition to her studies, she worked as an intern at Havas-Sághy & Partners Law Office from June 2021, where she gained extensive insight into the execution of tasks concerning classical civil law. She also gained experience in working in English.

She wrote her diploma thesis on "The implementation of compulsory medical treatment in Hungary in the light of European requirements" for the Department of Criminal Substance, Procedural and Executive Law at the university. In the course of her research, she examined the criminal law measure in the system of both Hungarian and European rules, and her analysis focused on the place of compulsory medical treatment in the legal system at the interface of criminal law and health law.

Since autumn 2022, she has been working as a trainee lawyer at Havas-Sághy & Partners Law Office, where she is particularly interested in cases concerning corporate law, real estate law, family law and labour law.

Language skills

  • English B2 level
  • German C1 level

SAJÓSI, Márton Dr.


In 2024, he graduated with cum laude honors as a lawyer from Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law.

In 2022, he spent the autumn semester at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic, as part of an Erasmus+ mobility, where he was introduced to IT law. In addition to his university studies, from spring 2023 he worked as an intern at Havas-Sághy & Partners Law Office, where he gained extensive experience in classical civil law areas such as contract law, corporate law, family law, labour law, competition law.

In the spring of 2023, she completed the "IT Academy for Lawyers" course organised by the JÖSz Institute, where he gained a broad insight into IT law areas such as software law, domain law, software development contracts, license agreements, AI law.

He wrote his thesis on "Trafficking of Human Beings and Forced Labour in Hungarian Judicial Practice and in Hungarian and European Substantive Law" for the Department of Criminal Law of the University.

From autumn 2024 he has been working as a trainee lawyer at Havas-Sághy & Partners Law Office.

Language skills

  • English – level C1

A népszerűség átka

A népszerűség átka

Ügyvéd Irodánk nevében ismeretlen tettesek küldtek adathalász e-maileket. Ezeket az üzeneteket NEM mi küldtük, kérjük, legyetek óvatosak, és ne kattintsatok gyanús linkekre vagy adjatok meg személyes adatokat!
Dolgozunk az ügy megoldásán.


Szigorúbb szabályok a cypto szolgáltatókkal kapcsolatban

Szigorúbb szabályok a cypto szolgáltatókkal kapcsolatban

A közelmúltban kihirdetett kormányrendelet szigorúbb szakmai és képzettségi előírásokat vezet be a kriptoeszközökkel kapcsolatos tanácsadói és információszolgáltatási tevékenységekre. Az új rendelet a kriptoeszközök piacáról szóló 2024. évi VII. törvény 13. § (1) bekezdése alapján lépett hatályba, és célja, hogy biztosítsa a kriptoeszközök piacán tevékenykedő szakemberek magas szintű kompetenciáját, ezáltal növelve a piac biztonságát és átláthatóságát.

Cikkünkben röviden összefoglaltuk a rendelet legfontosabb szabályait.


Megkezdte működését az Online Platform Vitarendező Tanács

Megkezdte működését az Online Platform Vitarendező Tanács

Az Online Platform Vitarendező Tanács (OPVT) augusztus 29-én kezdte meg működését, miután a Digitális Szolgáltatási Koordinátor elvégezte a testület tanúsítását. Cikkünkben röviden bemutatjuk az OPVT hátterét, lényegét és eljárását.


Állunk rendelkezésére az információs technológiával kapcsolatos jogi kérdések tekintetében!
