The practice of our Law Office spreads to the whole field of IT, covering the drafting and review of contracts regulating information technology services. We are out our Client’s service in regards of full scale counselling on software development, support and management-maintenance contracts.
Among the work of our Law Office on the field of IT law, drafting, review and wide range of counselling options in connection with project development contracts, corporate outsourcing contracts trough out the fulfilment of a project are focused services.
As it is expected from a firm on this field, we are at your service in case of domain-debates, representation in front of the Hungarian authority regulating the internet providers (Council of the Internet Providers) and in front of courts, with deep specialised knowledge and high quality provision of services.
We are proud to present as one of our specialisation the supervision in respect of activity of the licensee or the right holder in which case the license holder intends to define the terms of software use unilaterally. This occurs typically when the right holder expect the licensee to respect the general terms of use of the software, or when the licensee carries out reckless practice and use software without proper license (permit of use), hoping to avoid any detrimental consequence due to such.
Furthermore of the above, our office may be retained for due diligence of telecommunication related business agreements, with either national (Hungarian) or international telecommunication -, internet service providers-, and drafting and assessing of ad-hoc contracts to the same purpose, representation in front of the Hungarian National Media and Infocommunication Authority (NHHR).
Our Office operates with special focus on the protection of individual rights, copyright and related rights, trade marks, as well as know-how and privacy, furthermore those information technology products (e.g.: software, applicaiton, source code), and the practical questions of confidential information with emphasis on business view. We provide full range advice in almost all areas of intellectual property such as trademarks (product and company names, logos, and slogans), patents, design protection, copyright, industrial property and also during legal disputes arising from unlawful usage/infringement. In order to protect intellectual property we provide high level advice on the selection of the form of protection, protection orientation, national and international protection, extension of protection to the EU member states, also in licence and franchise matters.
Our Office provides legal representation out of court as well as before ordinary courts, permanent and ad hoc arbitration for legal entities, entities without legal personality in all matters within the operational scope of our Office in particular economic, civil, commercial and administrative matters;
representation before authorities (eg.: Hungarian Competition Authority, Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, consumer protection inspectorates, labour inspectorates etc.)
Ügyvéd Irodánk nevében ismeretlen tettesek küldtek adathalász e-maileket. Ezeket az üzeneteket NEM mi küldtük, kérjük, legyetek óvatosak, és ne kattintsatok gyanús linkekre vagy adjatok meg személyes adatokat!
Dolgozunk az ügy megoldásán.
A közelmúltban kihirdetett kormányrendelet szigorúbb szakmai és képzettségi előírásokat vezet be a kriptoeszközökkel kapcsolatos tanácsadói és információszolgáltatási tevékenységekre. Az új rendelet a kriptoeszközök piacáról szóló 2024. évi VII. törvény 13. § (1) bekezdése alapján lépett hatályba, és célja, hogy biztosítsa a kriptoeszközök piacán tevékenykedő szakemberek magas szintű kompetenciáját, ezáltal növelve a piac biztonságát és átláthatóságát.
Cikkünkben röviden összefoglaltuk a rendelet legfontosabb szabályait.
Az Online Platform Vitarendező Tanács (OPVT) augusztus 29-én kezdte meg működését, miután a Digitális Szolgáltatási Koordinátor elvégezte a testület tanúsítását. Cikkünkben röviden bemutatjuk az OPVT hátterét, lényegét és eljárását.
Állunk rendelkezésére az információs technológiával kapcsolatos jogi kérdések tekintetében!